Sow Only

Humanity accounts for so, so little in this universe. Eleven cities are the only safe haven for the million or so living. That is not to say that there are not humans outside the massive walls of the eleven cities, nor that humans are the only sapients inhabiting the world. Humanity calls the world they inhabit Midseltu, and it is orbitted by a bleak red sun and a small panoply of differently-colored moons. Somewhere between the cities, a massive mountain the size of a small moon dominates the horizon no matter where one stands.

Founded on an arid steppe along a slow and wide Poerald River, Ouoca's stone architecture stands strong. Extreme heat batters the city in the summer, and similarly brutal cold in winter. And no matter the time of year, high winds blast across the unobstructed landscape. Within the walls of the city, the river functions as a effective divide between the classes; residents of the wide sprawl north of the Poerald serve the elite of the south. Outside the city, the sparse fertile soil is used to grow hardscrabble wheat. This staple provides a minimal sustenance to the residents of the city. Those who can afford to import a variety of other foods to round out their diet and palate. It's not the wheat that powers Ouoca's economy, however. Giant open-pit mines dot the landscape around the city as well as its nearby towns. Multiple metals are found in the ground, from useful iron, to beautiful gold, to delicious lead.

Spirit roads from Ouoca lead to Tissa, Mallapto, and Saleek. Trade with these cities bring wealth to Ouoca, which the city's elite used to build an impressive combat arena that dominates the northern side of the city. The other major feature within the walls is a well-funded university on the southern side of the river. The city's major shrine to The 777 is also to the south of the river, and the House of the Dead not too far away. Smaller shrines dot the city, at least one per neighborhood, but it's clear Ouoca's residents are not as faithful as those found in other cities.